Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Rebuild all Alt texts | Alle Alt-Texte neu erstellen | Details | |
Start Optimizing | Optimierung starten | Details | |
Alt text found which can be optimized | Alternativtext gefunden, der optimiert werden kann | Details | |
Alt text found which can be optimized Alternativtext gefunden, der optimiert werden kann
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In Manual mode Alt text will be added to all new images in one click. | Im manuellen Modus wird Alt-Text zu allen neuen Bildern mit einem Klick hinzugefügt. | Details | |
In Manual mode Alt text will be added to all new images in one click. Im manuellen Modus wird Alt-Text zu allen neuen Bildern mit einem Klick hinzugefügt.
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Optimizing | Optimierung | Details | |
For images not connected to any post, the default template [site_name] will be applied to ALT texts. | Für Bilder, die nicht mit einem Beitrag verbunden sind, wird die Standardvorlage [site_name] auf ALT-Texte angewendet. | Details | |
For images not connected to any post, the default template [site_name] will be applied to ALT texts. Für Bilder, die nicht mit einem Beitrag verbunden sind, wird die Standardvorlage [site_name] auf ALT-Texte angewendet.
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All the images except product pictures: media gallery, blog posts, pages, etc.</br></br>↵ For example, a blog post with a <b>[title] <i>"Steps to choose clothing for your baby"</i></b> and a <b>[site name]</b> is <b><i>"Your KidShop"</i></b>. If the template is <b>[title] [site_name]</b>, the final ALT-texts for the images linked to this variant will be <b><i>"Steps to choose clothing for your baby Your KidShop"</i></b> | All the images except product pictures: media gallery, blog posts, pages, etc.</br></br>↵ For example, a blog post with a <b>[title] <i>"Steps to choose clothing for your baby"</i></b> and a <b>[site name]</b> is <b><i>"Your KidShop"</i></b>. If the template is <b>[title] [site_name]</b>, the final ALT-texts for the images linked to this variant will be <b><i>"Steps to choose clothing for your baby Your KidShop"</i></b> | Details | |
All the images except product pictures: media gallery, blog posts, pages, etc.</br></br>↵ For example, a blog post with a <b>[title] <i>"Steps to choose clothing for your baby"</i></b> and a <b>[site name]</b> is <b><i>"Your KidShop"</i></b>. If the template is <b>[title] [site_name]</b>, the final ALT-texts for the images linked to this variant will be <b><i>"Steps to choose clothing for your baby Your KidShop"</i></b> All the images except product pictures: media gallery, blog posts, pages, etc.</br></br>↵ For example, a blog post with a <b>[title] <i>"Steps to choose clothing for your baby"</i></b> and a <b>[site name]</b> is <b><i>"Your KidShop"</i></b>. If the template is <b>[title] [site_name]</b>, the final ALT-texts for the images linked to this variant will be <b><i>"Steps to choose clothing for your baby Your KidShop"</i></b>
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Other images | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
If you activate this option, <b>[variant option]</b> won't be applied to product gallery, product description and product featured images. | Wenn Sie diese Option aktivieren, wird <b>[Variantenoption]</b> nicht auf Produktgalerie, Produktbeschreibung und Produktbilder angewendet. | Details | |
If you activate this option, <b>[variant option]</b> won't be applied to product gallery, product description and product featured images. Wenn Sie diese Option aktivieren, wird <b>[Variantenoption]</b> nicht auf Produktgalerie, Produktbeschreibung und Produktbilder angewendet.
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Use [variant option] only for product variation images | Verwenden Sie [Variantenoption] nur für Produktvariantenbilder | Details | |
Use [variant option] only for product variation images Verwenden Sie [Variantenoption] nur für Produktvariantenbilder
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e.g., | e.g., | Details | |
For example, a product (<b><i>product title: "Fashion men boots", product category:</i> "Shoes")</b>, has a variant (<i><b>option1 color:</b></i> "Black", <i><b>option2 size: "M", option3 not used)</b></i>)</br> If the template is "<b>[product_title][product_category][variant_option1][variant_option2][variant_option3]</b>", the final <b>Alt-text</b>, for the images linked to this variant will be "<b>Fashion men boots Shoes Black M</b>" | Beispielsweise hat ein Produkt (<b><i>Produkttitel: "Fashion Men Boots", Produktkategorie:</i> "Schuhe")</b> eine Variante (<i><b>Option1 Farbe: </b></i> "Schwarz", <i><b>Option2 Größe: "M", Option3 nicht verwendet)</b></i>)</br> Wenn die Vorlage "<b> . ist [product_title][product_category][variant_option1][variant_option2][variant_option3]</b>", der letzte <b>Alt-Text</b>, für die mit dieser Variante verknüpften Bilder lautet "<b>Fashion Men Boots ." Schuhe Schwarz M</b>" | Details | |
For example, a product (<b><i>product title: "Fashion men boots", product category:</i> "Shoes")</b>, has a variant (<i><b>option1 color:</b></i> "Black", <i><b>option2 size: "M", option3 not used)</b></i>)</br> If the template is "<b>[product_title][product_category][variant_option1][variant_option2][variant_option3]</b>", the final <b>Alt-text</b>, for the images linked to this variant will be "<b>Fashion men boots Shoes Black M</b>" Beispielsweise hat ein Produkt (<b><i>Produkttitel: "Fashion Men Boots", Produktkategorie:</i> "Schuhe")</b> eine Variante (<i><b>Option1 Farbe: </b></i> "Schwarz", <i><b>Option2 Größe: "M", Option3 nicht verwendet)</b></i>)</br> Wenn die Vorlage "<b> . ist [product_title][product_category][variant_option1][variant_option2][variant_option3]</b>", der letzte <b>Alt-Text</b>, für die mit dieser Variante verknüpften Bilder lautet "<b>Fashion Men Boots ." Schuhe Schwarz M</b>"
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Product images | Produktbilder | Details | |
Template settings | Vorlageneinstellungen | Details | |
To be optimized | Optimiert werden | Details | |
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