Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Please accept Terms & Conditions by checking the box | Accepteu els Termes i condicions marcant la casella | Details | |
Please accept Terms & Conditions by checking the box Accepteu els Termes i condicions marcant la casella
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Show if number of products left in stock is fewer than | Mostra si el nombre de productes que queden en estoc és inferior a | Details | |
Show if number of products left in stock is fewer than Mostra si el nombre de productes que queden en estoc és inferior a
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Show number of products left in stock | Mostra el nombre de productes que queden en estoc | Details | |
Show number of products left in stock Mostra el nombre de productes que queden en estoc
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Error text | Text d'error | Details | |
Thank you for your cooperation! | Gràcies per la teva ccoperació! | Details | |
Thank you for your cooperation! Gràcies per la teva ccoperació!
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We are doing our best to guarantee the security of your personal details while keeping and using them. | Estem fent tot el possible per garantir la seguretat de les seves dades personals mentre les conservem i utilitzem. | Details | |
We are doing our best to guarantee the security of your personal details while keeping and using them. Estem fent tot el possible per garantir la seguretat de les seves dades personals mentre les conservem i utilitzem.
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To withdraw your consent (if you previously agreed to provide us with the data, but then changed your mind) | Per retirar el consentiment (si prèviament has acceptat proporcionar-nos les dades, però després has canviat d'opinió) | Details | |
To withdraw your consent (if you previously agreed to provide us with the data, but then changed your mind) Per retirar el consentiment (si prèviament has acceptat proporcionar-nos les dades, però després has canviat d'opinió)
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To delete your personal details from our system | Per eliminar les dades personals del nostre sistema | Details | |
To delete your personal details from our system Per eliminar les dades personals del nostre sistema
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To receive the copy of your personal details we have collected | Per rebre la còpia de les vostres dades personals que hem recollit | Details | |
To receive the copy of your personal details we have collected Per rebre la còpia de les vostres dades personals que hem recollit
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and ask: | i pregunta: | Details | |
You can email us at support@ | Pots enviar-nos un correu electrònic a suport@ | Details | |
You can email us at support@ Pots enviar-nos un correu electrònic a suport@
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If you don’t agree to these terms, please leave the website. | Si no accepteu aquests termes, abandoneu el lloc web. | Details | |
If you don’t agree to these terms, please leave the website. Si no accepteu aquests termes, abandoneu el lloc web.
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If you keep browsing our webstore after reading this Privacy Policy, you give us the consent to use your personal details for the purposes explained above. | Si continua navegant per la nostra botiga web després de llegir aquesta Política de privadesa, ens dóna el consentiment per utilitzar les seves dades personals per als propòsits explicats anteriorment. | Details | |
If you keep browsing our webstore after reading this Privacy Policy, you give us the consent to use your personal details for the purposes explained above. Si continua navegant per la nostra botiga web després de llegir aquesta Política de privadesa, ens dóna el consentiment per utilitzar les seves dades personals per als propòsits explicats anteriorment.
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Mass mailing services use your email address to send you emails (if you have subscribed for them) | Els serveis de correu massiu utilitzen la vostra adreça de correu electrònic per enviar-vos correus electrònics (si us heu subscrit) | Details | |
Mass mailing services use your email address to send you emails (if you have subscribed for them) Els serveis de correu massiu utilitzen la vostra adreça de correu electrònic per enviar-vos correus electrònics (si us heu subscrit)
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Postal services use your first name, last name, and physical address to arrange the product delivery for you | Els serveis postals utilitzen el vostre nom, cognom i la vostra adreça física per organitzar el lliurament del producte | Details | |
Postal services use your first name, last name, and physical address to arrange the product delivery for you Els serveis postals utilitzen el vostre nom, cognom i la vostra adreça física per organitzar el lliurament del producte
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